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  • Integrated Korean: Intermediate 2, First Edition

    Korean Language Education and Research C | Univ of Hawaii | 2001³â 06¿ù
    54,720¿ø (10% ÇÒÀÎ) Æ÷ÀÎÆ®Àû¸³ 2,740¿ø
    All series volumes have been developed in accordance with performance-based principles and methodology -- learner-centeredness, contextualization, use of authentic materials, function/task-orientedness, balance between skill getting and skill usin...
  • Integrated Korean: Intermediate 1

    Young-Mee Cho, Hyo Sang Lee, Carol Schulz | Univ of Hawaii | 2001³â 05¿ù
    42,210¿ø (10% ÇÒÀÎ) Æ÷ÀÎÆ®Àû¸³ 2,120¿ø
    »óÇ° ÆǸŰ¡ ½ÃÀÛµÇ¸é ¾Ë·Áµå¸³´Ï´Ù. ÆǸŽÃÀÛ ¾Ë¸² ¼­ºñ½º¶õ? ½ÅûÇϱâ
    All series volumes have been developed in accordance with performance-based principles and methodology -- learner-centeredness, contextualization, use of authentic materials, function/task-orientedness, balance between skill getting and skill usin...


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  • Pros and Cons, 18/E

    Pros and Cons, 18/E A Debater's Handbook [ Paperback, 18th Edition ]
    Trevor Sather | Routledge | 1999³â 07¿ù
    21,000¿ø (40% ÇÒÀÎ) Æ÷ÀÎÆ®Àû¸³ 0¿ø
    ȸ¿ø¸®ºä(1°Ç) ¸®ºä ÃÑÁ¡9.0 Á¤º¸ ´õ º¸±â/°¨Ãß±â
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    °³Á¤ÆÇÀÌ Ãâ°£µÇ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù.
    ÀڽۨÀÖ°í À¯Ã¢ÇÑ ¿µ¾î ¸»Çϱ⠴ɷÂÀ» ±â¸£µµ·Ï ÇÏ´Â °ÍÀ» ÃÖ¼±ÀÇ ¸ñÀûÀ¸·Î, ¼¼°èÀûÀÎ Åä·Ð °æ¿¬ ´ëȸ¸¦ ÁÖÃÖÇÏ°í ÀÖ´Â English-Speaking Union ±×·ì¿¡¼­ Æì³½ Åä·Ð ÁÖÁ¦ ¸ðÀ½Áý. öÇÐ, Á¤Ä¡¿Í °æÁ¦, À±¸®¿Í µµ´ö, ±³À°°ú ¹®È­ µî ÷¿¹ÇÑ Åä·Ð ÁÖÁ¦¿¡ ´ëÇÑ Âù¹Ý ÀÇ°ßÀ» Àß Á¤¸®Çß´Ù. ¿µ¾î Åä·Ð ¸ðÀÓ¿¡ Âü¿©ÇÏ°í Àְųª, ÀÏ...


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  • The Power of Babel: A Natural History of Language

    The Power of Babel: A Natural History of Language A Natural History of Language [ Paperback, POD ÁÖ¹®Á¦ÀÛµµ¼­ ]
    McWhorter, John | Harper Perennial | 2003³â 01¿ù
    23,080¿ø (5% ÇÒÀÎ) Æ÷ÀÎÆ®Àû¸³ 700¿ø
    There are approximately 6,000 languages on Earth today, each a descendant of the tongue first spoken by Homo sapiens some 150,000 years ago. While laying out how languages mix and mutate over time, a noted linguistics professor argues that languag...
  • Discourse Analysis

    Discourse Analysis [ Paperback, POD ÁÖ¹®Á¦ÀÛµµ¼­ ]
    Yule, George | Cambridge University Press | 1983³â 09¿ù
    102,310¿ø (5% ÇÒÀÎ) Æ÷ÀÎÆ®Àû¸³ 3,070¿ø
    Discourse analysis is a term which has come to have different interpretations for scholars working in different disciplines. For a sociolinguist, it is concerned mainly with the structre of social interaction manifested in conversation; for a psyc...
  • Research Methodology in Second-Language Acquisition

    Research Methodology in Second-Language Acquisition [ Paperback, POD ÁÖ¹®Á¦ÀÛµµ¼­ ]
    Tarone, Elaine E. / Gass, Susan M. / Cohen, Andrew D. | Routledge | 2001³â 10¿ù
    66,060¿ø (10% ÇÒÀÎ) Æ÷ÀÎÆ®Àû¸³ 3,310¿ø
    This volume addresses salient theoretical issues concerning the validity of research methods in second-language acquisition, and provides critical analysis of contextualized versus sentence-level production approaches.
  • VE SIDE BY SIDE 3 3E GD/LEVELI VOIR 245984          512612

    VE SIDE BY SIDE 3 3E GD/LEVELI VOIR 245984 512612 [ Paperback, Spiral Bound / 3rd Edition ]
    Steven J. Molinsky, Bill Bliss | Longman | 2003³â 02¿ù
    69,300¿ø (18% ÇÒÀÎ) Æ÷ÀÎÆ®Àû¸³ 3,470¿ø
    ¡á SIDE BY SIDE ½Ã¸®Áî 3rd edition ¼Ò°³: ¿Ü±¹¾î Çпø»ýÀ̳ª °íµîÇлý, ´ëÇлýÀ» ´ë»óÀ¸·Î ¸»Çϱâ, µè±â, Àбâ, ¾²±â¿Í °°Àº ȸȭÀÇ ¸ðµç ±â´ÉÀ» Áý¾àÇÏ¿© °¡º­¿î ¸¶À½À¸·Î ½±°í Àç¹ÌÀÖ°í, »ç¿ëÇϱâ Æí¸®ÇÏ°Ô µÇ¾îÀÖ¾î Ãʺ¸Àڵ鵵 ÃæºÐÈ÷ È°¿ëÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ´Â ´ëÇ¥ÀûÀΠȸȭ±³ÀçÀÌ´Ù. ¡á SIDE BY SIDE ½Ã¸®Áî ±¸¼º: °¢ ±³À縶...
  • Semantics, Culture, and Cognition: Universal Human Concepts in Culture-Specific Configurations

    Semantics, Culture, and Cognition: Universal Human Concepts in Culture-Specific Configurations Universal Human Concepts in Culture-specific Configurations [ Paperback ]
    Wierzbicka, Anna (Professor, Department of Linguistics, Professor, Department of Linguistics, Australian National Univer | Oxford University Press Inc | 1992³â 10¿ù
    226,730¿ø (10% ÇÒÀÎ) Æ÷ÀÎÆ®Àû¸³ 11,340¿ø
    This study ranges across a wide variety of languages and cultures in an attempt to identify concepts which are truly universal and to explore whether certain words are culture-specific.
  • A Word a Day: A Romp Through Some of the Most Unusual and Intriguing Words in English

    ¼öÀÔ ÇÑÁ¤ÆǸÅ
    A Word a Day: A Romp Through Some of the Most Unusual and Intriguing Words in English A Romp Through Some of the Most Unusual and Intriguing Words in English [ Paperback ]
    Garg, Anu / Garg, Suti | Wiley (TP) | 2002³â 10¿ù
    ¼­°í Àå±â º¸°ü Ư°¡ µµ¼­ (±³È¯ ºÒ°¡)
    5,540¿ø (80% ÇÒÀÎ) Æ÷ÀÎÆ®Àû¸³ 0¿ø
    ȸ¿ø¸®ºä(1°Ç) ¸®ºä ÃÑÁ¡7.0 Á¤º¸ ´õ º¸±â/°¨Ãß±â
    •  Á¾ÀÌÃ¥ ¸®ºä (1°Ç)
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    A Word A Day (AWAD; www.wordsmith.org)¸¦ ¿î¿µÇϸ鼭 Á¶±Ý ƯÀÌÇÏ°í, ¾Ö¸ÅÇÑ ¿µ¾î ´Ü¾î¸¦ ¼Ò°³Çϸ鼭 Å« Àα⸦ ²ö ÀúÀÚ°¡ ±× ³»¿ëÀ» Ã¥À¸·Î ¹­Àº °ÍÀÌ´Ù. ¹ß¸ÅµÈ ³¯ ´Ü¼û¿¡ ¾Æ¸¶Á¸ 1À§ÀÇ ÀÚ¸®¸¦ Â÷ÁöÇϱ⵵ ÇÑ ÀÌ Ã¥Àº ¿µ¾î »ç¿ëÀÚµµ Áñ°Ì°Ô ÀÐÀ» ¸¸Å­ÀÇ µ¶Æ¯ÇÑ ´Ü¾îµéÀ» ¼Ò°³ÇÏ°í ÀÖ´Ù. ¿µ´Ü¾î¿¡ °ü½ÉÀÌ ¸¹°í, ¿ø¾î¹Îµé...
  • Collins Gem Latin Dictionary

    Collins Gem Latin Dictionary Latin-English English-Latin [ Paperback, 2nd Edition ]
    HarperCollins, D. A. Kidd, Harper Collins | HarperCollins | 1996³â 10¿ù
    9,890¿ø (18% ÇÒÀÎ) Æ÷ÀÎÆ®Àû¸³ 500¿ø
    »óÇ° ÆǸŰ¡ ½ÃÀÛµÇ¸é ¾Ë·Áµå¸³´Ï´Ù. ÆǸŽÃÀÛ ¾Ë¸² ¼­ºñ½º¶õ? ½ÅûÇϱâ
    Collins Gem »çÀü ½Ã¸®Áî°¡ ´Ù ±×·¸µíÀÌ ¾ÆÁÖ ÀÛÀº Å©±âÀÇ ¶óƾ¾î »çÀüÀÌ´Ù. Àü¹ÝºÎ´Â ¶óƾ¾î-¿µ¾î »çÀü, ÈĹݺδ ¿µ¾î-¶óƾ¾î »çÀüÀ¸·Î ÀÌ·ç¾îÁ® ÀÖ´Ù. ¿¹¹®Àº µé¾îÀÖÁö ¾Ê°í, ¾ÆÁÖ °£´ÜÇÑ µî°¡¾î¸¸ ¼ö·ÏÇß´Ù. °£ˆ¥³ª ¶óƾ¾î ¹®¹ý ¼³¸í°ú µ¿»ç º¯È­Ç¥°¡ ½Ç·ÁÀÖ´Ù.


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  • Writing Systems: A Linguistic Introduction

    Writing Systems: A Linguistic Introduction A Linguistic Introduction [ Paperback ]
    Sampson, Geoffrey | Tuttle Publishing | 1990³â 02¿ù
    45,270¿ø (10% ÇÒÀÎ) Æ÷ÀÎÆ®Àû¸³ 2,270¿ø
    »óÇ° ÆǸŰ¡ ½ÃÀÛµÇ¸é ¾Ë·Áµå¸³´Ï´Ù. ÆǸŽÃÀÛ ¾Ë¸² ¼­ºñ½º¶õ? ½ÅûÇϱâ


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  • Fractured English

    Fractured English [ Paperback ]
    Lederer, Richard | Gallery Books | 1996³â 11¿ù
    22,720¿ø (18% ÇÒÀÎ) Æ÷ÀÎÆ®Àû¸³ 1,140¿ø
    Bestselling author Richard Lederer has done it again with this collection of language gems, presented in his signature style - uncut, unpolished, and one hundred percent genuine. Fractured English is the only place you'll encounter this student's ...
  • Syntactic Theory

    Syntactic Theory [ Paperback ]
    Geoffrey Poole | Palgrave | 2002³â 01¿ù
    27,000¿ø Æ÷ÀÎÆ®Àû¸³ 540¿ø
    "Syntactic Theory is a new textbook which emphasizes theory-building and hypothesis-testing as it develops and motivates Chomsky's Principles and Parameters framework. The initial chapters guide the student through introductory topics and later ch...


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  • Latin: An Intensive Course

    Latin: An Intensive Course An Intensive Course [ Paperback ]
    Moreland, Floyd L. / Fleischer, Rita M. | University of California Press | 1978³â 02¿ù
    65,590¿ø (10% ÇÒÀÎ) Æ÷ÀÎÆ®Àû¸³ 3,280¿ø
    "The best Latin text now available and I very much doubt that a better one will appear for a long time."--Ralph W. Johnson, Cornell University
  • Modern Chinese: A Basic Course

    Modern Chinese: A Basic Course A Basic Course [ Paperback ]
    University, Peking | Dover Publications Inc. | 1971³â 06¿ù
    12,750¿ø (18% ÇÒÀÎ) Æ÷ÀÎÆ®Àû¸³ 640¿ø
    An introductory text that presents the speech sounds, grammar, and basic vocabulary of the Mandarin Chinese spoken in Mainland China
  • Verbal Advantage: Ten Easy Steps to a Powerful Vocabulary

    Verbal Advantage: Ten Easy Steps to a Powerful Vocabulary Ten Easy Steps to a Powerful Vocabulary [ Paperback ]
    Elster, Charles Harrington | Random House Reference | 2013³â 04¿ù
    27,540¿ø (15% ÇÒÀÎ) Æ÷ÀÎÆ®Àû¸³ 1,380¿ø
    ȸ¿ø¸®ºä(1°Ç) ¸®ºä ÃÑÁ¡9.0 Á¤º¸ ´õ º¸±â/°¨Ãß±â
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    ´Ü¾î¸¦ Á¤È®ÇÏ°Ô »ç¿ëÇØ ³í¸®ÀÖ°Ô ¸»ÇÏ´Â ´É·ÂÀº ¼º°øÇÒ È®·ü°ú ³ôÀº »ó°ü°ü°è°¡ ÀÖ´Ù°í ÇÑ´Ù. ÀÌ°ÍÀ» 'Verbal Advantage'¶ó°í ÁöĪÇÏ´Â ÀúÀÚ´Â ÀÌ¹Ì ¹Ì±¹¿¡¼­ ¼º°øÀûÀÎ ¾ð¾î ´É·Â Çâ»ó ¿Àµð¿À ÇÁ·Î±×·¥À» ¸¸µé¾î ¸í¼ºÀ» ³ôÀÌ°í ÀÖ´Ù. ÀÌ Ã¥Àº ±× ¿Àµð¿À ÇÁ·Î±×·¥À» ±âº»À¸·Î ¸¸µé¾îÁø Ã¥À¸·Î 10´Ü°èÀÇ ´Ü°èº° ´Ü¾îµéÀÇ ¶æ...
  • Semiotics: The Basics (The Basics)

    Daniel Chandler | Routledge | 2002³â 01¿ù
    24,930¿ø (10% ÇÒÀÎ) Æ÷ÀÎÆ®Àû¸³ 1,250¿ø
    »óÇ° ÆǸŰ¡ ½ÃÀÛµÇ¸é ¾Ë·Áµå¸³´Ï´Ù. ÆǸŽÃÀÛ ¾Ë¸² ¼­ºñ½º¶õ? ½ÅûÇϱâ


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  • Intermediate Reading Practices

    Intermediate Reading Practices Building Reading & Vocabulary Skills [ Paperback ]
    Keith S. Folse | Univ of Michigan | 1993³â 01¿ù
    10,800¿ø (10% ÇÒÀÎ) Æ÷ÀÎÆ®Àû¸³ 330¿ø


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  • Champion Level 1 Textbook

    Champion Level 1 Textbook [ nouvelle edition ]
    Monnerie-Goarin | Cle | 2001³â 01¿ù
    20,520¿ø (5% ÇÒÀÎ) Æ÷ÀÎÆ®Àû¸³ 420¿ø
    ȸ¿ø¸®ºä(1°Ç) ¸®ºä ÃÑÁ¡6.0 Á¤º¸ ´õ º¸±â/°¨Ãß±â
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    ¸»Çϱâ¿Í ¾²±â ÇнÀÀ» À§ÇÏ¿© ÀÏ»ó»ýÈ° ³»¿¡¼­ ÀÇ»ç¼ÒÅë ½Ã¿¡ ÇÊ¿äÇÑ ¾ð¾îÇÐÀû ¿äÀÎÀ» ±â´ÉÀûÀ̸鼭 ³í¸®ÀûÀÎ ¹æ¹ýÀ» ÅëÇØ Á¢±ÙÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖµµ·Ï ±¸¼ºµÈ Champion pour le DelfÀÇ »õ·Î¿î °³Á¤ÆÇÀÌ´Ù. ¿Ü±¹ÀÎ ÇÁ¶û½º¾î ÇнÀÀÚ¸¦ À§ÇÑ ±×°£ÀÇ ¿¬±¸ °á°ú¸¦ Àû¿ëÇØ Á»´õ ÇнÀÀÚ Áß½ÉÀÇ ±³À縦 ¸¸µé¾ú´Ù´Â Ư¡ÀÌ ÀÖ´Ù. ¼¼·ÃµÈ »ðÈ­...


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  • The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language

    Huddleston, Rodney / Pullum, Geoffrey K. / Bauer, Laurie | Cambridge University Press | 2002³â 04¿ù
    542,610¿ø (10% ÇÒÀÎ) Æ÷ÀÎÆ®Àû¸³ 27,140¿ø
    ¾ÆÁÖ ¹æ´ëÇÑ ¾çÀÇ ¹®¹ý¼­·Î '¾ð¾îÇÐ ºÐ¾ß¿¡ Á¾»çÇÏ´Â ÇÐÀÚµéÀÌ Á¦¾ÈÇÏ´Â ±â¼ú ¿µ¹®¹ý°ú ÀüÅë ¹®¹ý °£ÀÇ Â÷À̸¦ Á¼Çô º¸°íÀÚ' ÇÏ´Â ½Ãµµ·Î ¸¸µé¾îÁø Ã¥ÀÌ´Ù. ÃÖ±Ù 40³â°£ÀÇ ¿©·¯ »óÀÌÇÑ ºÐ¾ßÀÇ ¾ð¾îÇÐÀû ¼º°ú¸¦ ÅëÇÕÇÏ·Á´Â ¸ñÀûÀ¸·Î, °¢ ºÐ¾ßÀÇ ¾ð¾îÇÐÀÚµé°ú °¢ éÅ͸¦ °ÅÀÇ ´Ù½Ã ÀÛ¾÷Çß´Ù. Rodney Hyddleston¿¡°Ô´Â 10³âÀ» ...

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