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이경채 | 케이미라클모닝 | 2021년 07월 23일 리뷰 총점9.4 정보 더 보기/감추기
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광고 AD


발행일 2021년 07월 23일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 296쪽 | 144*210*20mm
ISBN13 9791197459535
ISBN10 1197459537



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저자 소개 (1명)

강원도 평창에서 출생, 연세대학교 연합신학대학원 상담학 졸업, 코칭 NLP프렉티셔너, 상담심리사 30여 자격의 가정사역 상담가로서 25년간 가정의 회복과 행복을 세워 오고 있다. [에세이스트] 수필신인상, [코스모스문학] 신인작품상, [크리스천문학나무] 신인동화상 수상, 2015년 한국을 빛낸 100인 문인상, 2016년 코스모스문학상 본상, 그동안 에세이와 동화작가로 활동하며 글쓰기 상담가로 지금도 활동 중에 ... 강원도 평창에서 출생, 연세대학교 연합신학대학원 상담학 졸업, 코칭 NLP프렉티셔너, 상담심리사 30여 자격의 가정사역 상담가로서 25년간 가정의 회복과 행복을 세워 오고 있다. [에세이스트] 수필신인상, [코스모스문학] 신인작품상, [크리스천문학나무] 신인동화상 수상, 2015년 한국을 빛낸 100인 문인상, 2016년 코스모스문학상 본상, 그동안 에세이와 동화작가로 활동하며 글쓰기 상담가로 지금도 활동 중에 있다.

저서로 『다뉴브강에서의 아름다운 추억』, 『만나면 행복해지는 사람들』 외 작은 책 12권, 공동저자 『한국을 빛낸 100인 문인 명작선』, 에세이스트 연간집 『문학회 가는 길』 등이 있다. 현재 한국문인협회회원, 휴먼서비스복지회 전문위원, 드림스타트 미술심리상담사, 강서아이윌센타 상담사, 글사랑 비블리오 테라피스트로 재능기부 활동을 하고 있다.

Hanna was born in Pyeongchang, Ganwon Province. She has graduated from Yeonsei Yeonhap Theology graduate school majoring in counselling. She is an expert of Family healing and recovery with having over 30 kinds of counselling certificates for 30 years.

She has gotten the Rookie of the Year award in essay and cosmos literature. She also has taken the New Fairy Tale Award in Christian Literature Tree. She has enlightened Korean literary spirit and gotten the prize of 100 writer's award in 2015. In 2016, she has got the main prize of cosmos literature. She has been active in various field of essay and children's story writer.

She has written over 30 books 'Life Recipe', 'Rich Habit of our Children', 'The Beautiful Memory of Danube River', 'The People who make me Happy', and co writer of 'A selection of masterpieces who enlightened Korea', Yearly collection of Essay, 'The Road to a literary society', 'The empty sky as it is', 'Coexistence of indifference', ‘Wow, I am reading a fairy tale', 'The Bride of May' and so on.

She is the representative of Life Recipe Research coach and counselling CEO. She is active in reading club of Hongdae butterfly reading management and therapist in love your writing Biblio.

만든 이 코멘트

저자, 역자, 편집자를 위한 공간입니다. 독자들에게 전하고 싶은 말씀을 남겨주세요. 코멘트 쓰기
접수된 글은 확인을 거쳐 이 곳에 게재됩니다.
독자 분들의 리뷰는 리뷰 쓰기를, 책에 대한 문의는 1:1 문의를 이용해 주세요.

책 속으로

--- 본문 중에서

출판사 리뷰


“Guide for Recovery and Healing of Relationships” Ministers who lead the way in lifting families are broadly classified into theorists and doers. Lee Kyung-chae(Hanna), the author of this book, has a rich clinical experience in transforming couples. But she also wrote a book I want to keep, which is good enough to be used as a textbook equipped with good theory. The author, Hanna Lee, was a student who studied diligently ever since the days when I lectured as a professor at the Clinical Pastoral Research Institute after acquiring a doctor’s degree in the US and coming back to Korea 29 years ago. She is also my pupil who is constantly exerting efforts in counseling and family ministry up to now as Healing & Counseling Institute was opened afterwards.

A psychologist claimed that the interest of the modern Christian is summed up into spirituality, personality type, inner healing, and happy family life through relationships. This book deals with these topics as well as relationships such as marital relations, parents and children, and adolescents, and is good enough to be used as a guide for recovery and healing. I have no doubt that the author’s ministry will greatly contribute to making Korea a happy country and hence gladly recommend this book.
- Dr. Jeong Tae-gi (President of Healing & Counseling Graduate University)
Recommendation 2“Beautiful like a garden with a beautiful fragrance” I don’t read a lot of books from our country. Even if I read them, I just have a taste of it for several minutes with speed reading. But then, once in a while when I get a feel that it is not an ordinary book, I read it intensively. Lee Kyung-chae(Hanna)’s “Life Recipe” had a different atmosphere from the very beginning. Since you can know the taste of beef only when you chew it well, Hanna’s writing taste better the more you read it. I met Hanna through the season edition of “Christian Literature Tree” I run. Even though she started her career as an essayist, she challenged herself once again to write children’s books which is a new genre for her and was recognized as a children’s book writer. The career history of the author is impressive. Especially, her being recognized as a psychotherapist to many people through psychology research is impressive, and her taking graduate school course at United Graduate School of Theology is equally impressive.

In fact, writing is similar to a believer confessing one’s sins to a priest because you have to pour out everything from inside of you. The only difference is that since a confession is performed secretly with a priest, one’s wrongdoing is not known publicly, but writing is a confession poured out to everyone. So there are no secrets. Even if you use somebody else’s writing without permission, a plagiarism dispute breaks out. Hanna’s book, “Recipe for a Happy Family” is a piece of writing where the author poured out everything such as the life she has been living, one’s studies, and literature. Normally, if you look at the vomit of a drunk person, it is smelly and disgusting, but this book is a book you want to keep close to you every day because it gives you a feel of taking a walk with a lover since it is beautiful like a garden with a beautiful fragrance.

Hanna says happiness is not something far away beyond a mountain but something inside and around us by plainly expressing that happiness is getting along with people closest to you. So she enlightens us on how to get along with people close to you. Especially, she makes the reader think specifically with two points to think about at the end of each chapter. In summary, Hanna’s writing is a confession as well as a research book written with ‘the attitude of grinding an axe to make a needle’ as she said in the conclusion. I want to compliment her on writing the book with an attitude of researching plainly like a painting ‘a self-portrait’ of her own face. I hope this book is published soon so I can keep it close to me.
- Shin Seong-jong (Pastor, CEO of Christian Literature Tree)

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