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East Asian Buddhism and Modern Buddhist Studies - Humanities Korea Buddhism Series 5
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East Asian Buddhism and Modern Buddhist Studies - Humanities Korea Buddhism Series 5

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Bau-ruei DUH, Song WANG, Young-seop KO, Kenry MINOWA, Silong LI 저 외 4명 정보 더 보기/감추기 | 동국대학교출판부 | 2018년 09월 01일 첫번째 리뷰어가 되어주세요.
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East Asian Buddhism and Modern Buddhist Studies - Humanities Korea Buddhism Series 5


발행일 2018년 09월 01일
  •  배송 없이 구매 후 바로 읽기 eBook 이용안내
  • 이용기간 제한없음
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  •  저작권 보호를 위해 인쇄 기능 제공 안함
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파일/용량 PDF(DRM) | 23.87MB 파일/용량 안내
ISBN13 9788978017619


카테고리 분류

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저자 소개 (9명)

Professor, Dept. of Philosophy, National Taiwan University; Received PhD from Dept. of Philosophy, National Taiwan University; Areas of major interests are Neo-Confucianism and modern Chinese Philosophy Professor, Dept. of Philosophy, National Taiwan University; Received PhD from Dept. of Philosophy, National Taiwan University; Areas of major interests are Neo-Confucianism and modern Chinese Philosophy
Professor, Dept. of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Peking University; Received PhD in East Asian Buddhism from the International College for Post graduate Buddhist Studies, Tokyo; His research interests lie in East Asian Buddhism... Professor, Dept. of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Peking University; Received PhD in East Asian Buddhism from the International College for Post graduate Buddhist Studies, Tokyo; His research interests lie in East Asian Buddhism, focusing on the history and thought of Chinese Huayan School and the issue of sects in Chinese Buddhism.
Professor, Dept. of Buddhist Studies, Dongguk University; Received PhD in Korean Buddhism from Dongguk Univeristy and in Philosophy from Korea University; His research interests lie in East Asian Buddhism, focusing on Korean Buddhism. Professor, Dept. of Buddhist Studies, Dongguk University; Received PhD in Korean Buddhism from Dongguk Univeristy and in Philosophy from Korea University; His research interests lie in East Asian Buddhism, focusing on Korean Buddhism.
Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, University of Tokyo; Received PhD in Literature from University of Tokyo; His research topics include Indian philosophy and Buddhist Studies, particularly in Japanese Buddhism. Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, University of Tokyo; Received PhD in Literature from University of Tokyo; His research topics include Indian philosophy and Buddhist Studies, particularly in Japanese Buddhism.
Professor, Dept. of Philosophy, Peking University; Received PhD in Buddhist Studies from Peking University; His fields of specialization include Chinese Buddhist history and Buddhist Philosophy, particularly the study of Tiantai tra... Professor, Dept. of Philosophy, Peking University; Received PhD in Buddhist Studies from Peking University; His fields of specialization include Chinese Buddhist history and Buddhist Philosophy, particularly the study of Tiantai tradition.
Professor, Dept of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia; Received PhD in East Asian Buddhist history, McMaster University; His research interests lie in East Asian religions approached from pan-East Asian perspective. Professor, Dept of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia; Received PhD in East Asian Buddhist history, McMaster University; His research interests lie in East Asian religions approached from pan-East Asian perspective.
Professor, Dept. of Philosophy, National Taiwan University; Received PhD in Buddhist Studies from UC, Berkeley; His fields of specialty are Indo-Chinese Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism, Philosophy of Life, Bioethics, Indian Philosophy. Professor, Dept. of Philosophy, National Taiwan University; Received PhD in Buddhist Studies from UC, Berkeley; His fields of specialty are Indo-Chinese Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism, Philosophy of Life, Bioethics, Indian Philosophy.
HK Professor, The Institute for Buddhist Culture, Dongguk University; Received PhD from the Dept. of Korean History, Seoul National University; Specializes in history of Korean Buddhism in the Joseon and modern periods. HK Professor, The Institute for Buddhist Culture, Dongguk University; Received PhD from the Dept. of Korean History, Seoul National University; Specializes in history of Korean Buddhism in the Joseon and modern periods.
Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, University of Tokyo; Received PhD in Literature from University of Tokyo; His specialties are Indian Philosophy and Buddhist Studies, particularly the study of history of the f... Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, University of Tokyo; Received PhD in Literature from University of Tokyo; His specialties are Indian Philosophy and Buddhist Studies, particularly the study of history of the formation process of Buddhist scriptures in India.

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