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Leo Ferre - Integrale 1960-1967 (16CD Boxset)(CD)

Leo Ferre - Integrale 1960-1967 (16CD Boxset)(CD)

Leo Ferre | 2020년 09월 18일 첫번째 리뷰어가 되어주세요.
상품 가격정보
판매가 175,200원
할인가 175,200
  • 1,760원 (1% 적립) + 마니아추가적립
구매 시 참고사항
구매 시 참고사항
  • 제조국 EU
  • 현재 새 상품은 구매 할 수 없습니다. 아래 상품으로 구매하거나 판매 해보세요.


광고 AD

Leo Ferre - Integrale 1960-1967 (16CD Boxset)(CD)


발매일 2020년 09월 18일


카테고리 분류



  • 01 Paname
  • 02 Shit To Vauban
  • 03 The Poets
  • 04 The Maffia
  • 05 Pretty Kid
  • 06 As In Ostend
  • 07 When It's Over It Starts Again
  • 08 If You Go Away
  • 09 Poetry Fout L'Camp Villon
  • 10 Golden Age (Alternative Instrumental Version)
  • 01 The Red Poster
  • 02 You Won't Come Back
  • 03 Is This How People Live?
  • 04 It Would Not Have Taken
  • 05 The Furriers
  • 06 Blues
  • 07 Elsa
  • 08 The Foreigner
  • 09 I Sing To Pass The Time
  • 10 I Love You So
  • 11 Gazel Deep In The Night (A Cappella Model)
  • 12 Again (A Cappella Model)
  • 13 They Came With Flowers (A Cappella Model)
  • 01 The Rupines
  • 02 Miss Gueguerre
  • 03 Thank You Satan
  • 04 The Four Hundred Blows
  • 05 Pacific Blues
  • 06 Look At Them
  • 07 My General
  • 08 La Gueuse
  • 09 The Women
  • 10 Your Word
  • 11 The Parisians
  • 12 Love
  • 13 Twenty Years
  • 14 We Both
  • 15 Hard Times
  • 16 The Darlings
  • 17 Wind
  • 18 There Are Enough (Studio Version)
  • 19 Song For Her (Studio Version)
  • 20 Mechanized Song
  • 21 We Both (Version With So Little Day)
  • 01 Your Word (Public Alhambra) (Live)
  • 02 Us Two (Public Alhambra) (Live)
  • 03 Women (Public Alhambra) (Live)
  • 04 Cannes La Braguette (Public Alhambra) (Live)
  • 05 La Gueuse (Public Alhambra) (Live)
  • 06 Difficult Times (Public Alhambra) (Live)
  • 07 The Parisians (Public Alhambra) (Live)
  • 08 Song For Her (Public Alhambra) (Live)
  • 09 Is This The Way Men Live? (Public Alhambra) (Live)
  • 10 Mechanized Song (Public Alhambra) (Live)
  • 11 The Wind (Public Alhambra) (Live)
  • 12 Twenty Years (Public Alhambra) (Live)
  • 13 Watch Them (Public Alhambra) (Live)
  • 14 Thank You Satan (Public Alhambra) (Live)
  • 15 We Girls (Public Alhambra) (Live)
  • 16 Y'En A Marre (Public Alhambra) (Live)
  • 17 T'As Paid (Audience At The Abc Theater) (Live)
  • 18 Les Temps Difficiles (2Nd Public Version At The Abc Theater)
  • 19 My General (Audience At The Abc Theater) (Live)
  • 20 Stances (Audience At The Abc Theater) (Live)
  • 01 The French Language
  • 02 Good Manners
  • 03 The Old Pilgrim
  • 04 How Are You
  • 05 Ep Love
  • 06 Mister Giorgina
  • 07 You Owl
  • 08 It Rises In The East
  • 09 Never Again
  • 10 Life Is Shady
  • 11 The Gypsies
  • 12 You Rock Coco
  • 01 It's Spring
  • 02 The Gauloise
  • 03 The Poet's Market
  • 04 My Piano
  • 05 Retirees
  • 06 Franco La Muerte
  • 07 Titi From Paris
  • 08 Melancholy
  • 09 Epic Era
  • 10 You Often Go Out To The Sea
  • 11 No Thank You
  • 12 When I Was A Kid
  • 13 The Lovers Song
  • 14 Neither God Nor Master
  • 15 Childhood
  • 16 Mr. Barclay
  • 17 Difficult Times
  • 18 Never Again (Alternative Voice Socket)
  • 19 The Gypsies (Different Version)
  • 01 Listen To La Chanson Bien Douce
  • 02 Song Of The Highest Tower
  • 03 He Skated Wonderfully
  • 04 My Familiar Dream
  • 05 Setting Suns
  • 06 The Seated
  • 07 Hope Shines Like A Straw In The Stable
  • 08 Poetic Art
  • 09 Boarders
  • 10 Soul Do You Remember
  • 11 The Buffet
  • 12 The Seven Year Old Poets
  • 13 Autumn Song
  • 14 The Crows
  • 15 Green
  • 16 My Little Lovers
  • 17 I See You Again
  • 18 The Star Cried Rose
  • 19 O Sad, Sad Was My Soul
  • 20 Dream For Winter
  • 21 Moonlight
  • 22 The Lice Researchers
  • 23 My Bohemian
  • 24 Serenade
  • 01 Poetry
  • 02 The Palladium
  • 03 Hunger
  • 04 The Tv Lament
  • 05 The Death
  • 06 Beautiful Sax
  • 07 We Will Love Each Other
  • 08 Romantics
  • 09 It's Life
  • 10 Strike
  • 11 Paris Spleen
  • 12 Golden Age
  • 13 Difficult Times (Live) 3Rd Version At Casino De Trouville
  • 01 This Song
  • 02 The Marseillaise
  • 03 They Voted
  • 04 Latin Quarter
  • 05 To A Dead Singer
  • 06 The Suburbs
  • 07 We Are Not Saints
  • 08 Hi Beatnik
  • 09 Happiness
  • 10 It's A Tune
  • 11 Stations Ports
  • 12 The Bed
  • 01 Spleen
  • 02 To A Malabaraise
  • 03 The Foreigner
  • 04 You Would Put The Universe
  • 05 Cat
  • 06 The Sun
  • 07 The Assassin's Wine
  • 08 Albatross
  • 09 To A Passerby
  • 10 Vial
  • 11 The Servant With The Big Heart
  • 12 Abel And Cain
  • 13 The Giant
  • 14 Posthumous Remorse
  • 15 Jewelry
  • 16 The Music
  • 17 The Beauty
  • 18 Chat
  • 19 Recollection
  • 20 The Venal Muse
  • 21 Cloudy Sky
  • 22 Carrion
  • 23 The Green Paradise (Moesta And Errabunda)
  • 01 Poetry Fucks The Camp, Villon! (live At The Theatre Du Vieux
  • 02 Poor Rutebeuf (live At The Theatre Du Vieux-colombier / Janu
  • 03 The Foreigner (live At The Theatre Du Vieux-colombier / Janu
  • 04 You Will Not Come Back (live At The Theatre Du Vieux-colombi
  • 05 Stances (live At The Theatre Du Vieux-colombier / January 27
  • 06 Paris-taxis (live At The Theatre Du Vieux-colombier / Januar
  • 07 God Is Negro (live At The Theatre Du Vieux-colombier / Janua
  • 08 Showcases (live At The Alhambra Theater / 1961)
  • 09 As In Ostend (live At The Alhambra Theater / 1961)
  • 10 Love (live At The Alhambra Theater / 1961)
  • 11 Poets (live At The Alhambra Theater / 1961)
  • 12 Blues (live At The Alhambra Theater / 1961)
  • 13 Pretty Kid (live At The Alhambra Theater / 1961)
  • 14 Bedroom (live At The Alhambra Theater / 1961)
  • 15 The Darlings (live At The Alhambra Theater / 1961)
  • 16 Mists And Rains (live At The Alhambra Theater / 1961)
  • 17 The Upstart (live At The Alhambra Theater / 1961)
  • 18 I Love You So (live At The Alhambra Theater / 1961)
  • 19 The Bells Of Notre-dame (live At The Alhambra Theater / 1961
  • 20 Modern Life (live At The Alhambra Theater / 1961)
  • 01 Your Word (live In Antibes Juan-les-pins / April 28, 1962)
  • 02 We Both (live In Antibes Juan-les-pins / April 28, 1962)
  • 03 Blues (live In Antibes Juan-les-pins / April 28, 1962)
  • 04 Song For Her (live In Antibes Juan-les-pins / April 28, 1962
  • 05 Poets (live In Antibes Juan-les-pins / April 28, 1962)
  • 06 Pretty Kid (live In Antibes Juan-les-pins / April 28, 1962)
  • 07 The Rupines (live In Antibes Juan-les-pins / April 28, 1962)
  • 08 The Plastic Age (live At The Ancienne Belgique / April 1963)
  • 09 Poetic Art (live At The Theatre Du Vieux-colombier / April 7
  • 10 My Piano (live At The Theatre Du Vieux-colombier / April 7,
  • 11 Titi From Paris (live At The Theatre Du Vieux-colombier / Ap
  • 12 You Go Out Often (live At The Theatre Du Vieux-colombier / A
  • 13 Retirees (live At The Theatre Du Vieux-colombier / April 7,
  • 14 The Gauloise (live At The Theatre Du Vieux-colombier / April
  • 15 It's Spring (live At The Theatre Du Vieux-colombier / April
  • 16 Dreaming For Winter (live At The Theatre Du Vieux-colombier
  • 17 Melancholy (live At The Theatre Du Vieux-colombier / April 7
  • 18 When I Was A Kid (live At The Theatre Du Vieux-colombier / A
  • 19 Green (live At The Theatre Du Vieux-colombier / April 7, 196
  • 20 The Poet's Market (live At The Theatre Du Vieux-colombier /
  • 21 The Foreigner (live At The Theatre Du Vieux-colombier / Apri
  • 22 Twenty Years (live At The Theatre Du Vieux-colombier / April
  • 01 Ananar Seed (live At The Alhambra Theater / January 13, 1965
  • 02 You Are Nice (live At The Alhambra Theater / January 13, 196
  • 03 Showcases (live At The Alhambra Theater / January 13, 1965)
  • 04 Modern Life (live At The Alhambra Theater / January 13, 1965
  • 05 Listen To The Sweet Song (live At The Alhambra Theater / Jan
  • 06 I See You Again (live At The Alhambra Theater / January 13,
  • 07 As In The High (live At The Alhambra Theater / January 13, 1
  • 08 As In Ostend (live At The Alhambra Theater / January 13, 196
  • 09 Melancholy (live In Bobino / March 22, 1965)
  • 10 My Sebasto (live In Bobino / March 22, 1965)
  • 11 The French Language (live In Bobino / March 22, 1965)
  • 12 Childhood (live In Bobino / March 22, 1965)
  • 13 The Man (live In Bobino / March 22, 1965)
  • 14 It's Spring (live In Bobino / March 22, 1965)
  • 15 Neither God Nor Master (live In Bobino / March 22, 1965)
  • 16 Twenty Years (live In Bobino / March 22, 1965)
  • 01 Poetic Art
  • 02 The Foreigner
  • 03 Stances
  • 04 The Death Of Lovers
  • 05 Dreamed For Winter
  • 06 Christmas (madame At Midnight)
  • 07 Owls
  • 08 The Sad Song
  • 09 Poor Rutebeuf
  • 10 Hear The Sweet Song
  • 11 Poetry
  • 12 Romantics
  • 13 Mists And Rains
  • 14 I See You Again
  • 15 Is This How People Live?
  • 16 An Invitation To Travel
  • 17 The Crows
  • 18 The Mirabeau Bridge
  • 01 The London Stranger (live In Bobino / September 20, 1967)
  • 02 My Old Branch (live In Bobino / September 20, 1967)
  • 03 Stations Ports (live In Bobino / September 20, 1967)
  • 04 At The Seine (live In Bobino / September 20, 1967)
  • 05 The Assassin's Wine (live In Bobino / September 20, 1967)
  • 06 You Go Out Often (live In Bobino / September 20, 1967)
  • 07 Bad Luck (live In Bobino / September 20, 1967)
  • 08 Melancholy (live In Bobino / September 20, 1967)
  • 09 The Red Poster (live In Bobino / September 20, 1967)
  • 10 The Marseillaise (live In Bobino / September 20, 1967)
  • 11 Ananar Seed (live In Bobino / September 20, 1967)
  • 12 Thank You Satan (live In Bobino / September 20, 1967)
  • 13 Latin Quarter (live In Bobino / September 20, 1967)
  • 14 Spleen (live In Bobino / September 20, 1967)
  • 15 The Bed (live In Bobino / September 20, 1967)
  • 16 They Voted (live In Bobino / September 20, 1967)
  • 17 We Both (live In Bobino / September 20, 1967)
  • 18 To A Dead Singer (live In Bobino / September 20, 1967)
  • 01 The Rupines (recorded March 27, 1960)
  • 02 Poetic Art (recorded June 26, 1960)
  • 03 Is This How People Live? (recorded In December 1960)
  • 04 Golden Age (recorded In March 1961)
  • 05 Paris Spleen (recorded August 24, 1961)
  • 06 Listen ... Be Silent (credits Of The Radio Soap La Complaint
  • 07 A Hundred People He Murders (credits Of The Radio Soap La Co
  • 08 A Lighthouse In The Storm (credits Of The Radio Soap La Comp
  • 09 In A Station Locker (credits Of The Radio Soap La Complainte
  • 10 A Beautiful Day Of The Fountains (credits Of The Radio Soap
  • 11 He Had The Toulouche Killed (credits Of The Radio Soap La Co
  • 12 The Plague In Epidemic (credits Of The Radio Soap La Complai
  • 13 Beware Of Black Roses (credits Of The Radio Soap La Complain
  • 14 He Murdered The Mother (credits Of The Radio Soap La Complai
  • 15 To The Queen Of Holland (credits Of The Radio Soap La Compla
  • 16 In Valmondois A Ghost (credits Of The Radio Soap La Complain
  • 17 In The Grim Dark Night (credits Of The Radio Soap La Complai
  • 18 In The Sea A Dark Boat (credits Of The Radio Soap La Complai
  • 19 My Piano (working Version / 1964)
  • 20 The Gallic (working Version / 1964)
  • 21 The Poet's Market (working Version / 1964)
  • 22 Retirees (working Version / 1964)
  • 23 The French Language (recording At The Abc Theater / December
  • 24 Our Lady Of The Mouise (recording At The Abc Theater / Decem
  • 25 It Rises In The East (recording At The Abc Theater / Decembe
  • 26 The Gypsies (recording At The Abc Theater / December 1962)
  • 27 The Pipe (recording At The Abc Theater / December 1962)
  • 28 Thanks My God (recording At The Abc Theater / December 1962)
  • 29 Never Again (recording At The Abc Theater / December 1962)
  • 30 You Are Rock Coconut! (recording At The Abc Theater / Decemb

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  •  배송비 : 무료배송 (도서산간 : 5,000원 제주지역 : 3,000원 추가 배송비 발생)
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반품/교환 가능기간
  •  출고 완료 후 10일 이내의 주문 상품
  •  디지털 콘텐츠인 eBook의 경우 구매 후 7일 이내의 상품
  •  중고상품의 경우 출고 완료일로부터 6일 이내의 상품 (구매확정 전 상태)
  •  모바일 쿠폰의 경우 유효기간(발행 후 1년) 내 등록하지 않은 상품
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  •  LP상품의 재생 불량 원인이 기기의 사양 및 문제인 경우 (All-in-One 일체형 일부 보급형 오디오 모델 사용 등)
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