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Parties and Presents Level 2 Elementary/Lower-Intermediate American English Edition: Three Short Stories
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Parties and Presents Level 2 Elementary/Lower-Intermediate American English Edition: Three Short Stories

[ Paperback, American English ] 바인딩 & 에디션 안내 이동
Mansfield, Katherine / Johnson, Margaret | Cambridge University Press | 2011년 05월 31일 첫번째 리뷰어가 되어주세요.
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Parties and Presents Level 2 Elementary/Lower-Intermediate American English Edition: Three Short Stories

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발행일 2011년 05월 31일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 64쪽 | 145*203*15mm
ISBN13 9780521181594
ISBN10 0521181593


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:: 레벨별 각권에 대한 summary입니다.

Starter level (Headwords 250/Starter)

It's Jamie's birthday. But his parents and sister haven't got time to go out with him. Then he finds a bag and inside, there is a camera. Jamie starts taking pictures but when he deletes them, something very strange happens.

[Quick Change!]
It's Helen's twelfth birthday and her parents have something important to tell her. Her mom promises that the news won't change anything. But she's wrong. It changes everything. Nothing will ever be the same again, not for Helen, not for anyone.

Level 1 (Headword 400/Beginner)

[Little Trouble in Dublin, A]
Twins, Andy and Mary, are in Dublin on a school trip. When Mary discovers that she has been given a forged €20 note, she thinks she knows the identity of the forger. The twins start to investigate, but it soon becomes clear that the forgers know who Andy and Mary are too.

[Summer Sounds]
Katy is reluctantly at a children's camp for the summer. She thinks she's too old to be with a hundred strangers. But soon it becomes clear that something strange is happening to the other children at the camp. What is it? And why aren't Katy and her new friend Riley affected?

[Amazing Young Sports People]
The Olympics, the Paralympics and the more contemporary extreme action sports, X Games, are the greatest celebrations of international sporting achievement in the world. Each event is carefully described and is followed by the exciting and varied profiles of two young people, both past and present, who have made incredible contributions to the games.

Level 2 (Headwords 800/ Elementary)

[Little Trouble in Amsterdam, A]
Andy and Kim are twins. During the school holidays, they accompany their mother on a business trip to Amsterdam. Andy and Kim witness what they believe to be two criminals hiding a painting from an art robbery. But they can't prove anything and nobody will believe them.

[Grandad's Magic Gadgets]
Marvin lives with his parents and a grandfather who is always inventing new gadgets to help his family. But his grandfather's inventions often end up making Marvin's life harder. Then one particular invention proves a success but it also attracts unwanted attention from a school bully.

[Killer Bees]
A decision to borrow her mom's car with a friend leaves Jo worrying about the consequences. When she eventually returns home, she finds no one there. A new breed of dangerous bees has escaped from a research centre and everyone has fled their homes in search of safety. Jo must rejoin her missing family.

[Parties and Presents: three short stories]
Three vibrant stories by the famous New Zealand author Katherine Mansfield, selected and retold by Margaret Johnson. In one story, Laura and her family are preparing for a party when she makes a shocking discovery. In another, the magic and excitement of Leila's first dance is challenged by the words of an old man. And finally, Isabel, Kezia and Lottie receive an amazing present but there is trouble when they choose who to show it to.

Level 3 (Headwords 1300/Lower-intermediate)

[Little Trouble in the Yorkshire Dales, A]
Further adventures for twins Andy and Kim (A Little Trouble in Amsterdam, Level 2). This time Andy and Kim, are away with their father in the beautiful Yorkshire Dales in the UK. After discovering a locked door in a supposedly abandoned mine, Kim's curiosity is aroused. What is someone hiding in the mine? And who is the man watching them through the binoculars?

[Running Wild]
Luke and Alex are neighbors and, on Luke's part, reluctant friends. They spend their free time on a large heath, looking for anything to keep themselves amused. Meanwhile an illegally-kept panther escapes its owner and takes refuge on the same heath. The paths of the boys and the cat are destined to meet.

[Mind Map, The]
Lucho and Eva are paired together for a History project. The first stage is to draw a 'Mind Map' of all their ideas. But Lucho's mind map has a mind of its own and starts to grow. The map leads Lucho and Eva on an adventure involving the ancient theft of gold in a lost city in the Colombian jungle.

[Tales of Terror]
A truly terrifying collection of short stories for horror fans: the heart of a dead man won't stop beating; a girl's strange new employer holds a dark secret; a tree hides something terrible; body-snatchers encounter a surprise; a woman is obsessed by a man that only she can see; a rich man shows his poor cousin his dangerous Brazilian cat; a father and son rescue a strangely familiar girl; and the victim of a murder goes to court.

Level 4 (Headwords 1900/Intermediate)

[Bullring Kid and Country Cowboy]
Despite their very different backgrounds, two fifteen-year-olds are drawn together and discover that they share more than they had ever imagined. This is a rollercoaster of an adventure that takes us from Sark, a remote British island, to the busy modern city of Birmingham, England.

[Two Worlds]
Through different voices, this book explores the 'Two Worlds' of immigrants to Britain: the home they left and the home they are now in. The characters outline their reasons for leaving their home country and their impressions of the United Kingdom.

[Tasty Tales]
A collection of short stories themed around food and drink: a bed and breakfast owner is determined that one of her guests should try her famous 'Full English Breakfast'; a scientist invents an additive that increases peoples' attraction to certain food; a young boy learns to cook with the help of a great uncle and a magic ingredient; and a Japanese master chef must prepare his own last meal.

[Robinson Crusoe]
An adaptation of the classic story about a young man who is shipwrecked on an island. Crusoe eventually meets another person on the island and their friendship leads to his escape and return to the country he left as a young man, almost thirty years before.

Level 5 (Headwords 2800/Upper-intermediate)

[Mayor of Casterbridge, The]
An adaptation of the classic story of Michael Henchard who rises above his poor and humble beginnings to become a successful businessman. But then, an awful secret from his past catches up with him and Henchard must pay the price.

Level 6 (Headwords 3800/Advanced)

[Freddie's War]
It is 1936 and Europe is on the road to war. Freddie is a working-class English boy who is desperate for more excitement in his life. When he reads about foreign volunteers heading to the war in Spain, he knows what he must do.

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